One of WordPress greatest strengths is its the constant state of evolution, but a solution that does not exist today may exist tomorrow.
While it can be easy to assume that the best WordPress plugins could be those that have been in development for years.
But the newest plugins have a great deal to offer as well, so with that in mind, I took some time to crawl through the plugins directory on to see what are some the newest and free plugins that are available.
Today you will see 12 New WordPress plugins for this WordPress Wednesday roundup.
1. Donorbox
Donorbox is the first WordPress plugin on this list, this plugin help’s you & your organisation quickly by embeding an optimized recurring donation form on your website.
Donorbox’s form builder allows you to collect create custom questions such as asking the donor where to designate the donation, or dedicate the donation in honor of someone.
There are many other features included in this plugin such as customisable receipt text, PayPal donation, Salesforce & Mailchimp integration.
2. Ajax Load More for ACF
Ajax Load More for Advanced Custom Fields provides additional functionality for infinite scrolling Repeater and Relationship field data with Ajax Load More. Easily access Repeater or Relationship custom field data from a page or post and return the results to Ajax Load More for infinite scrolling.
3. Retain
Retain is a free and beautiful live chat plugin to interact with customers. You can customise your chatbox to fit your website needs and it’s the best way to chat with your customers. Retain allow you to interact with your customers.
4. WP Care
A solution to monitor your WordPress installation, plugins and themes in use to alert you to existing security vulnerabilities. The WP Care plugin security alerts is an Apiki initiative to help you keep only WordPress versions, plugins, and themes safe.
5. Hyperdrive
Hyperdrive is a plugin giving supporting browsers access to a performance optimisation technique known as Fetch Injection, enabling themes and sites to download resources such as JavaScript and CSS asynchronously and in parallel while preserving execution order.
6. Quiz Leads
This plugin is used to generate leads by taking user through very easy questions, admin can choose awesome templates and can edit too and you can use any autoresponder form code to get leads .User will follow through very easy questions created by admin and in the end he will submit the form of autoresponder added by admin, once form is submitted user will be redirected to the Redirect URL (lead url) added by admin.
7. FraudLabs Pro SMS Verification
FraudLabs Pro SMS Verification is a plugin that help merchants to authenticate the client’s identity by sending them a SMS for verification. It is designed to trigger during checkout to validate the client’s mobile phone number.
8. Popup Modal for YouTube
This plugin lets you show YouTube video in a popup modal when the post or page loads, insert a url of the video for a specific post or page and it’s done. You can change the behaviour of the video like turning off the controls,autoplay etc and you can even set the popup to fade out when the video has finished playing.
9. WooCommerce Newsletter Subscription
This is a powerful plugin that provides MailChimp integration with eCommerce 360 and Merge Fields. It uses latest MailChimp API to automatically subscribe customers and has eCommerce 360 compatibility to track sales back into MailChimp.
You can use it as a simple e-mail subscription plugin or capture data of purchase for up selling and targeted customer automation mailers from MailChimp.
10. WP DB Error Manager
There is nothing worse than greeting your online users with a huge “Database Connection Error” on your website.
This is a common problem that occurs on many websites. WP DB Error Manager allows you to properly handle and manage the errors by allowing you to perform these following actions, create a custom database error page so that users will not feel alarmed, allow users to contact you even when your website is down and create automated checks to notify you when your website is down
11. Dashy Lite
This plugin helps you to display Google Analytics data directly in your WordPress, On dashboard you can drag and drop widget and build your own custom dashboard with your preferred metrics.
Please note this plugin is the lite version of the premium Dashy plugin that comes with all the analytics features you will need if you want to you can purchase the “upgraded” version over on CodeCanyon for $29.
12. WP Email Verify
WP Email Verify is advance email validation rules that can detect only genuine and deliverable email addresses. We guarantee success rate of more than 97%. This plugin not only check syntax of email bu it also checks for complete email verification so your website only accept leads from verified emails and visitors.