This article was published 5 years ago, therefore the contents of this post may be out of date.

This is the sixth of my yearly roundup of What’s New for Designers & Developers for 2019, in this roundup, I will be focusing on showing you what some of the best WordPress plugins that been released during this year were.

I want to mention that not every plugins for WordPress been featured in each of my roundups will be featured in today’s post, as I feel that this list could be enormous.

So for your peace of reading pleasure, I will be splitting up the best of these plugins into month of release.

So lets get in to it.


WP Performance – Plugin

Wp Performance

WP Performance is a performance plugin that aims to make that “speed up” process a bit simpler by adding a variety of performance tweaks to your WordPress site. This plugin generates static HTML files from your dynamic content, and it uses mod_rewrite to load cache files which is the fastest method.

Price: Free

Zuper – Plugin


The powerful and elegant radio player with history support which will play ShoutCast and IceCast streams.

Price: $16.00


BigCommerce for WordPress – Plugin

Bigcommerce For WordPress

BigCommerce for WordPress is a plugin that allows you to scale ecommerce further than ever before on WordPress. Scale your business with WordPress on the front-end and free up server resources from things like catalog management, processing payments, managing fulfillment logistics and more with BigCommerce on the back end.

Price: Free

Codestar Framework – Plugin

Codestar Framework

A Simple and Lightweight WordPress Option Framework. Built in Object Oriented Programming paradigm with high number of custom fields and tons of options. Allows you to bring custom admin, metabox, taxonomy and customize settings to all of your pages, posts and categories. It’s highly modern and advanced framework.

Price: $49.00

WooCommerce Regions Pack – Plugin

Woocommerce Regions Pack

WooCommerce Regions Pack adds the missing states / provinces / regions for ALL countries in WooCommerce (e.g. United Kingdom, Russia, France, Poland, Portugal, Netherlands etc.). This is ideal if you’re setting up shipping zones per region and for streamlining the checkout process for your customers.

Price: $25.00

WP Fly Menu – Plugin

Wp Fly Menu

WP Fly Menu is a off-canvas menu plugin that makes use of the default WordPress menu function to create menus. You can add additional elements to the default menu items such as menu icons, menu taglines (short description), a pseudo grouping header and a long description.

We have provided you with a WYSIWYG editor for your long description, so you can add almost anything here including shortcodes. Add header content and footer content to the menu or replace the entire menu with just quick information on the fly.

Price: $10.00


LockDown WP – Plugin

Lockdown Wp

LockDown WP is a plugin to help secure your WordPress installation from unauthorized changes.

Price: Free

Extendlab – Link Preview – Plugin

Link Preview

With this tiny plugin you can add a preview to internal linked pages or posts.

Price: Free

Qubely Blocks – Plugin

Qubely Blocks

Qubely is a full-fledged Gutenberg toolkit with plenty of predefined sections and modern layout packs to create beautiful pages and posts on the Gutenberg editor. It offers a whole new experience that minimizes all limitations of the Gutenberg editor and opens unlimited possibilities to create any simple to complex content on a WordPress website.

Price: Free

LatePoint – Plugin


LatePoint is a simple and intuitive appointment booking plugin that is focused on your customers, making it incredibly simple to schedule an appointment with just a couple of clicks.

Price: $49.00


SSL Zen – Plugin

Ssl Zen

SSL Zen helps you get a free Domain-Validated SSL certificate from Lets Encrypt, and install it via this plugin. Finally, with a single click, you can redirect web-traffic from HTTP to HTTPS and get a shiny padlock on your website.

Price: Free

Disable Everything – Plugin

Disable Everything

This WordPress Plugin allows you to disable Text and Images Copying, Right Click and Keyboard Keys on your WordPress sites. You can disable some of these features or all of them at once. This plugin is particularly useful if you want to protect your images from being downloaded and your text from being copied.

Price: $10.00

LivePreview – Plugin

Live Preview

LivePreview is used to manage, switch between your digital products like WordPress themes, HTML templates, HTML5 games and etc. The plugin includes a responsive test tool, switch panel with thumbnails of the products, buttons for different actions (buy, iframe close). You can customize it by changing the style file (css or less).

Price: $19.00


WP Performance – Plugin

Wp Performance

This plugin generates static html files from your dynamic content, and it uses mod_rewrite to load cache files which is the fastest method.

Price: Free

Static Page – Plugin

Static Pages

Static Pages allows you to publish any static page on a WordPress website with any URL in a matter of seconds. And it is perfect for SEO. Do you want to improve sales by adding a beautiful landing page for your existing shop? Then Static Pages is for you.

Price: $49.00 per year


Amazing Search – Plugin

Amazing Search

Amazing Search is a WordPress plugin that gives you Amazon product search facility via an widget and shortcode for content with your affiliate link. It has a lot of customization option that you will surprise how easy to put an Amazon affiliate link in Amazon product search. Amazing Search follows all the rules and guidelines of Amazon, so you will never get an unwanted ban from Amazon.

Price: Free

Automatic Content Linker – Plugin

Automatic Content Linker

ACL links your content in auto-pilot, providing automatically internal or external link building solution with no efforts.Once enabled, it generates links in auto pilot. You don’t have to insert any links in your post editor anymore!It can be configured in order to link your post’s content with internal links (ie tags/categories) and external links (ie custom links).

Price: $39.00

WP Job Openings Pro – Plugin

Wp Job Openings Pro

WP Job Openings PRO is an add-on plugin with a pack of features that makes WP Job Openings a powerful recruitment tool.The plugin helps to reduce the time spent on administrative tasks while hiring, keep track of all applicants, resumes and notes. Engage your candidates more in the process by sending notifications such as welcome and rejection emails.

Price: $20.00


PB Addons for WPBakery – Plugin

Pb Addons For Wpbakery Page Builder

A collection of free premium quality addons or elements for WPBakery Page builder previously know as Visual Composer page builder.It features professional looking, easy to use yet highly functional elements that can be used in a WPBakery (Visual Composer) page builder.

Price: Free

Tripetto – Plugin


Boost conversion with appealing form experiences, built, styled and deployed from inside your WordPress Admin, using the powerful Tripetto plugin with its visual editor and lightning fast form engine.

Price: Free

Webtotem Security – Plugin

Webtotem Security

Webtotem Security – is a plugin for WordPress that prevents hacking and attacks on a website. To use the extension, you will need to register (then confirm the email) or log in with an account account in WebTotem Securiy.

Price: Free

Bookme Pro – Plugin

Bookme Pro

Bookme Pro is a powerful easy-to-use and easy-to-manage free booking and scheduling tool for service providers who think about their customers. Bookme Pro supports a wide range of services provided by business, individuals (like institute, clinic, spas and more) who offer reservations through websites. With this employee scheduling software, you can set up any reservation online quickly, pleasantly and easily.

With Bookme Pro you can manage your online appointments 24/7. You can start your business easily with the free version of Bookme Pro. And if you want more advanced features than this free version then you can check the Bookme Pro full version here

Price: Free

JobQuest – Plugin

Jobquest Wp Job Recruitment Board

WP JobQuest plugin provides a straightforward way to highlight jobs/ recruitment options on your website, working on any type of website. Navigate through our interactive search bar, filter jobs by our various categories and apply. Admin can easily navigate through advanced applicant/ candidate grouping.

Price: $29.00


Nova Blocks – Plugin

Nova Blocks

Nova Blocks is a collection of distinctive Gutenberg blocks, committed to making your site shine like a newborn star. It is taking a design-driven approach to help you made the right decisions and showcase your content in the best shape.

Price: Free

Tip Jar WP – Plugin

Tip Jar Wp

Tip Jar WP is made for creators, artists, teachers, service providers, and more. It gives an extremely simple and affordable way to accept tips on your WordPress website. On the cutting edge of payment technologies through the power of Stripe, you can accept Apple Pay, Google Pay, standard credit cards, and more with a beautiful and responsively designed payment form.

Price: Free

Themekit Options – Plugin

Themekit Options Panel

Themekit Options Panel is an extendable WordPress options panel, it’s productivity oriented and packed with all the components and features required in the modern WordPress themes and websites.

Price: $18.00

DocCreate – Plugin

Doccreate WordPress Documentation Creator Wp Knowledge Base Plugin

DocCreate is intuitive and straightforward to use WordPress documentation generation plugin. The plugin makes excellent use of WordPress’ default posts and category functionality in building a book-like documentation structure that is easy to follow and better yet easy to manage.

Price: $29.00


Fast Login – Plugin

Fast Login

Fast Login is making it easy to signup or login to WordPress. Existing users can login to your website with Fast Login without passwords,which provides a stellar user experience, decreases abandonment and increase retention. Fast Login also enables new users to create a new account with just their email address without the need for passwords.

Price: Free

Form Sync – Plugin


Take your WordPress form management to the next level by Git-ifying and syncing your forms across local, staging, and production environments. Simply update forms locally, push the updated JSON files (e.g. via Git), and sync your forms.

Price: From $39.00

Employee & HR Manager – Plugin

Employee And Hr Manager Plugin

Employee And HR Manager Plugin for manage employee profiles, attendance, leaves and announcements.

Price: $25.00


Flying Pages – Plugin

Flying Pages

Flying Pages preload pages before the user click on it, making them load instantly

Price: Free

WunderWP – Plugin


WunderWP makes it possible to apply preset styling to your Elementor widgets. Save time using its readymade styles to quickly beautify your raw Elementor widgets.

Price: Free

Booknetic – Plugin


Booknetic is an appointment booking system for WordPress sites. With Booknetic Tools, you will 100% automate your business. With this plugin you will save you from redundant resources, time-wasting and other risks, your customer base will be collected and your business will be open 7/24 to your customers.

It comes with customisable templates, form-builder, multiple category level, and other settings, you can fully customise your booking system to your business.

Price: $39.00


WT Security – Plugin

Wt Security

WT Security is a plugin for WordPress that prevents hacking and attacks on a website. To use the extension, you will need to register (then confirm the email) or log in with an account account in WT Securiy.

Price: Free

Potter Kit – Plugin

Potter Kit WordPress Custom Blocks And Templates

Potter Kit adds custom blocks and options to extend Gutenberg’s editing capabilities so you can create custom layouts and more engaging content.

Price: Free

WooSmart – Plugin

Woosmart Is An Extension Of Woocommerce To Showcase Products

WooSmart plugin is an Extension of WooCommerce to Showcase Products in attractive way in anywhere of your web-pages. More than fifteen smart layouts available to use and each layout has its own settings to let you customize as your needs.

Price: $20.00


WP Jet Player – Plugin

Wp Jet Player

WP Jet Player for WordPress enables you to publish videos on your posts, pages and widgets using the user friendly video player on the web. Take complete control of your player, from branding to size and dimensions.

Price: Free

Master Addons – for Elementor – Plugin

Master Addons

With Master Addons for Elementor, you get a wide range of elements that make your ordinary-looking website into something inter actable, visually appealing and a lot more reader-friendly.

Price: $12.00


What’s New for Designers & Developers from 2019: WordPress Plugins