
WordPress Wednesday – 10 Latest & Free WordPress Themes

For this week WordPress Wednesday I bring you a bunch fresh and latest free WordPress theme. Inside this roundup, you will see that I’ve collected some Business and WooCommerce themes. But also there were some blogging based themes as well. 1. iCare iCare Lite is free responsive medical multipurpose WordPress…Read More

WordPress Wednesday – 10 Brand New Premium WooCommerce Plugins

While looking for premium WordPress plugins for the premium plugin section of my last WordPress Wednesday round of the best themes and plugins for March 2017. I’ve notice that there were a heap of new WooCommerce specific plugins that should get a mention. So for this weeks WordPress Wednesday, I…Read More

WordPress Wednesday – 8 Best Testimonial Plugins

Testimonials are a key part of selling customers on your product or service and the more successful you are. but sometimes updating your site to manually add new testimonials can sometimes be a pain and when you’re trying to get a new project off the ground, who really wants to…Read More