This article was published 5 years ago, therefore the contents of this post may be out of date.

Magento is one of the most powerful open-source platform that has seen huge growth in the eCommerce industry in recent times. If you like many others are a Magento then you will probably be aware that the default Magento setup doesn’t offer any extensions for online stores.

This is normal, as Magento is a platform but not the entire solution for every business in a single application. While Magento comes packed with many features, there’s a process of integrating additional components that expand the functionality of this platform.

Using a blend of some selected Magento extensions can fulfil your requirements for your store in the best way possible.

1. Facebook Comments

Facebook Comments Magento 2

This extension integrates the Facebook Comments plugin into your store’s product pages. The plugin lets people comment on content on your site using their Facebook accounts. People can choose to share their comment activity with their friends (and friends of their friends) on Facebook as well. The comments plugin also includes built-in moderation tools and social relevance ranking.

This extension makes product reviewing process easier and faster as customers can leave comments, reviews or any feedback using their Facebook accounts.

The plugin will be displayed on each product page. You can easily adjust the comments block design to suit your custom theme. In admin settings, you can configure the position where the block should be inserted and also how it should look like.

Price: Free

2. Auto Related Product

Auto Related Product Magento 2 Extension

Auto-related products Magento 2 extension uses sets of conditions and actions as rules to establish relations between displayed products and related products. Displaying custom related products will increase the average order value, reduce the number of abandoned carts, and simply help your customers browse through the store looking for what they need.

Price: $24.00

3. Most Viewed Products

Most Viewed Products

Most Viewed Products extension is useful to show products which are viewed the most by customers in your store. You can highlight the Most Viewed Products in your store, attracting customers to buy those products. It helps you to increase your sales.

You can easily set the most viewed products manually as per your need. You can easily set up the most viewed products, and our extension provides many options to do settings from the admin.You can show most viewed products using a block, layout, template or widget. This extension is also very useful when you want to show the ‘Most Viewed Products’ on your store home page with a slider.

Price: Free

4. Donation Product

Donation Product

In offline stores, it is almost a normal occurrence to see a box on the checkout counter where you can donate your change to a charity. By default Magento has no way to handle this kind of donations. This extension adds the possibility to donate to charities to your Magento installation.

As a store owner you can add as much charities as you want.Adding a charity works the same as adding a product. So it should be familiar. The extension adds a new product type (in addition to the standard simple, virtual, downloadable, configurable, grouped, and bundle product) called “Donation Product”.

Price: Free

5. Product Labels

Product Labels

The Product Labels extension helps your products speak to customers, delivering clear and attractive promotional messages with the help of various fancy labels. Stimulated attention and fostered curiosity will, by far, enliven customers’ experience and will prompt to buy more.

With Product Labels your merchants may assign multiple labels to products or groups of products and thereby run several campaigns at once. Try out the impressive variety of editing options, unrivalled control over display alternatives, relaxing flexibility of rule-making, as well as meaningful versatility of application of labels.

Price: $199.00

6. Currency Formatter

Currency Formatter

Currency Formatter extension is an informative tool for stores to optimise the price attached to each product. In the currency format, customers can easily be confused with the price, as there is no worldwide standard for currency format. Specifically, the displayed currencies normally contain details like currency symbol, decimal separator, and thousands separator. This format change from one country to another.

Similarly to currency symbols, many other countries design different decimal separators for domestic purposes. Thus, these details need to be customized in order to reduce misunderstanding from visitors who live in other nations. The stores can gain better flexibility to edit all of the aforementioned details, with the help of this module. You can minimise any unwanted misunderstanding in product value for Multinational shoppers. Magento 2 Currency Formatter is a customer experience enhancer for your Magento 2 store sites.

Price: Free

7. Shop By Brand

Shop By Brand

This Shop By Brand extension allows you to create brands for your shop. Each brand can be named, described, and assigned a logo, a brand will be linked to an attribute of the product and on the brand page, you would see all the products associated to it with layered navigation for easy filtration.

Brands main page and individual brands have clean URL’s. You can specify meta keywords and descriptions. It will also add a link to the main menu. You can set wording for the menu in the configuration settings and this extension is perfect for displaying brands areas on your site and showing products associated with each brand.

Price: Free

8. Exit Screen Pop-up

Exit Screen Pop Up

Exit Screen Pop-up extension is a great solution for those who want to improve the bounce rate of their website. It detects exit intent of your user and provides last minute offer or discounts to recover your prospective customer from the verge of exiting your website. A pop-up is displayed once the user tries to move out of browser window displaying promotional offers and coupon code intended to target the customers.

It helps recover your lost sales and re-engage your users on website.Exit screen pop-up allows administrators to fully manage the content of the pop-up, offers to be displayed and duration at which the pop-up should appear. We have added a feature where exit screen pop-up can be displayed only on desired pages which can be configured via admin. This helps admin to display the pop-up only on the pages where bounce rate is maximum.

Price: Free

9. Gift Cards

Gift Cards

Gift Cards can help merchants attract more customers, drive extra revenue and get their brands noticed. By offering a wide array of gift card types and pricing schemes, you can create a smooth and effective gift-giving practice for your Magento store.

Price: $199.00

10. Follow Up Email

Follow Up Email

The Follow Up Email extension for Magento 2.x is designed specifically for email marketing purposes. It allows you to run precisely targeted email campaigns along with flexible conditions, performance stats, email sending schedules, and more!

In essence, the work with this email marketing extension for Magento 2 starts with defining a campaign trigger event. The chosen event will automatically initiate email sending according to the specified conditions. Each follow up email event for Magento 2 can be scheduled for a specific date and time.

For example, if a customer leaves his/her cart, you can fire the corresponding abandoned cart email for 20 minutes after the abandonment. Or, send him/her, say, a review reminder a week after a purchase was made. Moreover, this abandoned cart extension allows performing A/B testing of emails via the provided A/B testing mode. Thanks to it, you can create follow-ups with different content, layout, headers, and footers.

Price: $499.00

11. Cancel Order

Cancel Order

Many times customers want to cancel their orders. In such cases this plugin allows users to cancel their order once they placed it on a website. It is a must-have free extension that saves shipping cost and time of a store owner, it also notifies the store owner whenever a user cancelled his order before it shipped.

Price: Free

12. Instagram Integration

Instagram Integration

Instagram Integration for Magento 2 helps store managers connect their Magento stores with Instagram easily to reach more customers on this fast-growing social media. By proving more appealing visual materials of your products, customers are more likely to make purchases on your stores, which directly boosts your sales.

Price: $149.00

13. LiveChat


LiveChat is a Magento-specific chat tool for customer support and online sales; designed to provide quick answers and a personalized experience to shoppers. The way it works is simple: a typical LiveChat window sits on the bottom right side of your website, on-site visitors can choose to chat with you, or you can you can proactively engage them with chat invitations. For you, it means more satisfied customers, more resolved problems, and more sold products.

With LiveChat for Magento by LiveChat, you can add a live chat widget to your website, customise its look and feel, position it on the page, and create a welcome message for customers.

Price: Free

14. Custom Option Manager With Image

Custom Option Manager With Image

The extension Custom Option Manager With Image for Magento 2 has been developed with the criteria of two powerpack functionalities: It allows the admin to display image/color for custom options. It also allows the admin to create custom option template. Therefore, the admin can easily perform the bulk operations to add, update and delete custom options from the products. Adding spice to the extension, it also introduces three new types of ‘Thumb Gallery’ custom options designed specifically for representing images or color attractively.

Using this extension, the store owner can assign and remove one custom option to multiple products and also set image or color for the select type of custom options. The store owner can easily edit the custom option, which is already assigned to multiple products. Store owner just needs to edit custom option one time, and it will be updated into every product to which it is already assigned.

This extension also offers three new kinds of custom options: Thumb Gallery, Thumb Gallery Popup, and Thumb Gallery Multi-Select. These three new options are very valuable in terms of representing images and colors in a unique way to customers.

Price: $179.00

15. Restrict Fake Registration

Restrict Fake Registration

Restrict Fake Registration extension is what you need to keep a check on fake registrations and bots for the Magento stores. Restrict an unlimited number of domains for Email IDs which are used for signups. Also, the module allows setting the character limits for the first name and the last name in sign-ups.

Such a tactic prevents bots from having machine-generated names to sign up in your store. It also prevents fake users to make use of the disposable Email IDs for the registration. The extension is the perfect choice for Magento spam protection as it includes a feature to enable Google reCAPTCHA in the registration form. It ensures safety against undefined bots for the Magento store!

Price: $49.00


15 Magento Extensions to Boost Your Store in 2019