This article was published 8 years ago, therefore the contents of this post may be out of date.

What is AMP?

Back in 2015, Google had introduce an open source project that help us to create mobile optimised content that could load instantly anywhere. If you are looking to look more in depth about AMP you can read it on the official Google Blog

And thanks to Automattic, the group behind WordPress. They took the initiative to make AMP compatible with WordPress by creating a plugin called AMP, this is a free plugin and can be found through the WordPress plugin repository, and yes there are a few alternative AMP plugins that does the same thing but for this simple guide I’m using the one that Automattic has released but first…

How does AMP Works?

AMP works by breaking down the structure of your pages into three parts to boost your website.

AMP HTML, its a redesigned version of your HTML that includes custom AMP commands that removes any extra html elements.

AMP JS, a redesigned version of your JavaScripts (JS) that allows only for asynchronous scripts that helps to load JS in a more faster way.

and lastly, AMP CDN, the AMP content is cached by Google’s owned content delivery network, this helps deliver your content from cache quicker.

The steps for installation of AMP

There is nothing really special in installing the plugin and I’m assuming that you’ve logged into your WordPress dashboard to do this.

1. Navigate to Plugins → Add New, Search for AMP

2. Once AMP is shown in the plugins results page, click Install Now and then Active it, you be automatically be redirected to your plugin page on your WordPress site.

Testing AMP

Like always you should then test AMP and testing AMP is simple,  to test it simply open any of your post and append “/amp” at the end of the post URL

Example: If you have a URL, your URL with AMP should be like the following that’s it.

Side Notes

AMP has limitations on WordPress that needs to be considered.

  1. It works on posts only.
  2. Pages & Archives aren’t currently supported.

and by default, AMP has its own layout to display AMP related posts. But you can change this by navigating to Appearance → AMP.

Please note: This was a short, simple and hopefully easy to follow simple guide on how to set up AMP into your WordPress, if you are wanting to learn more about AMP you can find more in depth articles by searching through Google


How To Integrate AMP into your WordPress site – A Simple How To Guide