The mobile first front-end framework, Bootstrap, is the most popular and most used framework for developers, as it offers a sleek, intuitive & powerful approach which helps the ease of web development.
Everything has been re-designed and rebuilt from the start, from your mobile device and then scaled up!
Today’s roundup is a list of the newest, great & just plain awesome jQuery plugins for Bootstrap, these plugin will certainly help you with any functionality within your projects.
1. Smoke
Smoke is a plugin that been designed for the use with Bootstrap 3, this plugin has lots of helpful features including form validation, notifications, progress bar.
2. Bootstrap Progressbar
Bootstrap Progressbar is a plugin which extends the basic twitter-bootstrap progressbar. It provides the ability to animate the progressbar by adding Javascript in combination with the preexisting css transitions. Additionally you can display the current progress information in the bar or get the value via callback.
3. Bootstrap File Field
This plugin for bootstrap is to enhance the file fields with modern features and bootstrap design. Smart file selection features (e,g, restricting size and file type, showing selected file list etc.) with generic form submission process plus no ajax upload.
4. Bootstrap Select
Bootstrap-select is a jQuery plugin that utilizes Bootstrap’s dropdown.js to style and bring additional functionality to standard select elements.
5. Bootstrap Modal Alerts
Any good Web App needs a way to notify users of important information or events, Bootstrap has built-in classes for alerts. Alerts provide a way to communicate messages to the user for typical user actions or notifications.
But the standard Bootstrap Alerts doesn’t provide the concept of a “Modal” or “Popover” notification. They also do not have a “Confirmation” alert.
This is where YoloBits plugin comes in, it’s emulates the Bootstrap Alerts while providing a modal popover mode. This plugin is compatible with standard bootstrap classes for buttons and text alignment. The plugin is also responsive and will automatically resize as the screen width resizes.
6. Boostrap Date Pagination
A jQuery plugin which takes Twitter Bootstrap’s already great pagination component and injects a bit of date based magic. In the process creating a hugely simplified and modularised way of paging date based results in your application.
7. SmartSelect
SmartSelect is a jQuery multiple select plugin. It’s nice, fast and comes with a lot of useful features which you can’t find in other select plugins, As SmartSelect handles complex data models, supports hierarchy structures, and also is able to combine several selects into one and make you page clean.
8. Boostrap Password Strength Meter
This simple jQuery plugin is here to display strength of user’s password, this plugin has been written to seamlessly work with Bootstrap components and the strength of the password is calculated using the zxcvbn algorithm, Zxcvbn returns a value indicating the strength of the password the user has entered.
There are 5 possible levels with the lowest being weakest and highest strongest (it’s a zero based index, therefore 0 to 4).
9. LobiPanel
LobiPanel is jquery plugin for bootstrap panels. It extends panels with several common and useful functions which does not come by default.
10. jQuery Tabledit
The last plugin for today’s roundup is, jQuery Tabledit this plugin is a inline editor for HTML tables compatible with Bootstrap. It is possible to edit inline like a spreadsheet or with buttons to change between edit and view mode.