This article was published 7 years ago, therefore the contents of this post may be out of date.

SASS is a well-known CSS preprocessor that adds functionality to CSS to extend the capabilities of CSS. It has a CSS type syntax, so it is easy to learn. SASS easily compile to CSS, so you can use it on any website and there’s are many advantages of using Sass in web projects.

It allows us to write reusable neat and clean CSS code, and SASS has the variable functionality like many other programming languages have, variables extend the capability of CSS.

While working with SASS you don’t need to touch your actual CSS file so things will be neat and tidy. In this post is some of the best resources of SASS, today post is all about 15 SASS Frameworks, Make sure to check future posts of some of the best SASS tools and resources.

1. Motus

Sass/css lightweight framework, built for speed and performance.

2. Skeleton Sass

Skeleton Sass is a Responsive Sass Framework. Skeleton Sass is a highly modularized version of Skeleton CSS [written in Sass].

3. Maze

Maze is a simple Sass based responsive grid framework. Maze is the result of my early experimentation with Sass and the frustration of using existing grids and frameworks.

4. Bitters

Add a dash of pre-defined style to your Bourbon.

5. ApplePie

ApplePie Toolkit is modular and responsive CSS framework. Getting started with ApplePie is easy. Whether you are building a simple site with a ‘default’ UI, or you are a master of SASS, building a new app – this toolkit will help you get up and running!

6. Guff

Guff is a SASS helper framework comprised of all of my favorite features from the top SASS frameworks.It is the most helpful, most used functions,mixins and helpers, for use in actual client work. Along with some fun extras, and a build system designed for you to build and tweak on top of.

7. PureCSS for SASS

Yahoo’s Pure is a set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.purecss-sass is a Sass-powered version of Pure CSS for your applications. It allows to include all of Pure components at once or load them individually. Tested and working with Ruby on Rails, Compass, Sprockets, Bower, npm etc.

8. Neutron

A Sass framework that empowers you to create flexible, clear, and semantic website layouts.

9. Parasail

Parasail is a minimalistic CSS framework from Parasail Health using SASS and Flexbox. It’s main feature is a Flexbox based grid system which lets you create responsive layouts easily.

10. Bulma

Bulma is a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox.

11. Sierra

The smallest and lightest scss library (formerly known as penguin library)

12. Scooter

an SCSS framework built to provide base styles, CSS components, and rapid static prototyping for Dropbox.

13. Kickoff

A lightweight front-end framework for creating scalable and performant, responsive sites

14. iotaCSS

Smart open source SASS based OOCSS framework built for scale.Create lightweight, performant, readable and fully responsive interfaces in no time.

15. Hocus Pocus

Hocus-Pocus is a universal and lightweight stylesheet starter kit that focuses on base html elements and typography. You can change the look of every single component, disable some features and define a range of helpers with variables.


Best SASS Resources & Tools: Frameworks Edition