This article was published 10 years ago, therefore the contents of this post may be out of date.

Node.js is been getting popular being used more and more each day and it deserves this attention with the flexibility and performance it offer. In a single definition, Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment that uses an asynchronous event-driven model.

Here today we are just focusing only IDEs for Node.js apps. We have already seen that Node.js has successfully captured the mainstream technology market with large-scale companies like IBM, Yahoo!, others are using it and these days, Node.js application development is gaining momentum and it is used by a vast community of developers, technology enthusiasts and programmers. In this roundup we have chosen only 10 of the Best IDEs for Node.js Development, which would help you to accomplish your development tasks.

1. Brackets


Adobe built Brackets is an open source code editor (IDE) which was created with only client-side web technologies like HTML-CSS and JavaScript, the editor focuses on simplicity rather than being one of those IDE that shows a huge lot of panels, the quick-edit UI is the main thing and with  a “live development” feature it’s syncs a browser with the editor and displays any changes instantly. It is integrated with the Chrome’s Developer Tools and JSLint for debugging. Brackets, although being web-based, works in a native shell with Mac & PC versions available.

2. Koding


Koding is an open-source, cloud-based IDE for developing applications using Node.js, PHP, Ruby and more. The IDE offers a variety of features, including syntax highlighting, keyboard shortcuts, collapsible pane’s, workspace, auto indenting, code folding and even code previewing in their own built-in browser. Koding offers multi-cursor support to allow making similar edits at once.

3. WebStorm


WebStorm is a popular JavaScript IDE, which is ideally used for server-side development with Node.js. WebStorm provides new tools to keep up with the latest and greatest web development innovations, helping you get more out of new technologies every day. For a more complete experience with Sass, there is now support for Compass, it includes completion, resolving and finding usages for functions, mixins and variables from imported Compass files.

4. Cloud9


Cloud 9 is a free cloud-based IDE supporting app development with popular technologies, including Node.js, PHP, C++, Meteor and more. As Cloud9 is a cloud-based code editor it requires you to register for an account in order to use it, a pre-requisite that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea so sorry you’ll also have to pay in order to unlock its premium features.

5. Atom


Atom is a text editor with modern code completion features, it comes pre-installed with four UI, eight syntax themes and is easily customisable. AS Atom is an open-source application, which is built with HTML, JavaScript, CSS and Node.js integration, it runs on the Electron framework for building cross-platform apps using popular web technologies.

6. WebMatrix


WebMatrix is a free cloud-based IDE for Windows platform. It supports web development using Node.js with features, such as code completion, built-in templates and publishing to the cloud. WebMatrix has built-in Node.js templates for website and web application development that use Express, routing, OAuth, and more.

7. Nodeclipse & Enide


Eclipse is one of the most popular IDE amongst java developers and it has a very active community and many open source plugins + developer tools built around the ecosystem. But one of the the coolest features of Eclipse is its code Automatic build that retains time as the developers never have to see in the API document while the other features include Built-in debugger, Error checking, Source code generation, Code refactoring, Help window as toy type.

Eclipse is an open source, free IDE like NetBeans, so the users can work on both the web and the desktop IDEs by building their own plug-ins to modify Eclipse to meet their particular needs.

8. Komodo


Komodo is the professional IDE for the most major web languages such as Node.js, Python, PHP, Ruby, Perl, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Komodo IDE’s complete set of tools provide hassle free development environment for developers. The IDE offers a variety of features, including syntax highlighting, keyboard shortcuts, collapsible panes, workspace, auto indenting, code folding and code preview using built-in browser

9. Nide


Nide is a web-based IDE for Node.JS, which been designed with simplicity and ease-of-use in mind, you can run Nide locally or install it on a remote server, and access it through your browser. The Nide IDE is available both as a command-line tool and also comes with a standalone Mac App.

10. Sublime Text


Sublime Text is a well-loved code editor and IDE for Node.js. but sadly it’s not entirely free but with Sublime you can jump to symbols, lines or words using shortcuts and use multiple selection option to rename variables and manipulate files faster. Sublime Text also offers options for split editing, customizing, project switching and more.


10 Best IDE’s for Developing Node.js Apps