This article was published 8 years ago, therefore the contents of this post may be out of date.

Creating a colour palette for a new website is on of the most !important and crucial tasks for any designers have to face and it’s a process that most web designers spend to much time to complete.

Firstly you have to find inspiration, then you have to come up with the colours and shades, then you have to make those colours fit in with the current web design trends.

Let’s be honest, it’s a painful process that no designer can’t just ignore. But you won’t have that problem once you’re scroll through this article, as I about to show you some of the best colour tools that let you create perfect colour palette.

1. Material Design Palette

Material design is a trend these days, especially among the designers who are designing mobile and apps. This nifty tool you can use to generate a colour palette for your material design projects.

2. Coolors

With this tool, you can generate a colour palette instantly, then you can adjust the colours, rearrange, and try alternative shades to customise the colour palette to make it perfect for you and your design.

3. Flat Color Palettes

With Flat Colors’ you can browse and select a flat design colour scheme. The site currently features 2,148 flat color palettes that can be downloaded as Adobe .ACO file to be used with your own Adobe applications.

4. Adobe Color CC

And talking about Adobe, it’s a brand that knows about design more than anyone, as the creator of Photoshop and Illustrator. This colour scheme creator comes to you from the same company.

Main feature of this tool is that after creating your color palette, you can use the tool to easily save a color scheme to your Adobe Creative Cloud and then upload it to your Adobe CC apps to get started on your designs quicker.

5. Colordot

This tool is quite simply as you really just need to move your mouse cursor around the screen. When you see a color you like just click to save it, then repeat the process until you have a color palette of your own.

6. Colorcode

You can say this is an alternative site to ColorDot, where you can create a colour palette by moving your mouse. But, this site also lets you generate palettes based on different types, like monochrome, analogic, and more.

7. Colorhunt

Color Hunt is a social platform that aim to create a curated collection of beautiful color palettes. All colour palettes are all made by the community, and each creation is being reviewed and hand-picked, so the very best of those get featured on the site.

8. Color Favs

Another quick and easy tool for creating colour schemes from images, you can also use this tool to generate a color palette from an image URL or randomly create colour palettes as well.

9. Color Hexa

A useful tool for all designers, not just for generating colour palettes and grabbing hex colour codes but also for learning more about each colour, including colour conversions, tones, shades, and more.

10. Paletton

Paletton is an advanced colour scheme generating tool made for  designers, The tool features a number of advanced options for customizing and creating truly unique color schemes.

11. Colour Lovers

Colour Lovers is a community of designers who regularly share their love of colors this site features a large selection of color palettes, patterns, shapes, and more.

12. Flat Color Picker

You can use this tool to create a color palette for your flat design projects. You can easily copy the hex and RGB color codes directly from the website.

13. Accessible color palette builder

This is a tool to help designers build color palettes with combinations that conform with accessibility standards.

14. Palettr

An awesome color palette generator that lets you create color palettes inspired by a theme or a place.

15. Canva’s Color Palette Generator

Canva’s useful color palette generator creates color schemes based on the images you upload. It also let you copy the color codes with just a single click. The tool is easy to use and generates colours from almost any type of an image and you do not require a Canva account to use this tool.


15 Useful Colour Tools, Palette, Scheme for Web Designers